CHAS cardholders with chronic conditions to get up to 87.5% subsidies for medications at GP clinics

The changes will kick in from next year.

Ilyda Chua | March 03, 2023, 03:54 PM

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Patients with Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) cards will soon receive greater subsidies when they visit a general practitioner (GP) clinic for their chronic medications.

This is part of the government's new Healthier SG initiative, in which residents are encouraged to enrol with a regular family doctor.

Chronic meds at polyclinic prices

The enhanced subsidies will take effect in all Healthier SG-registered GP clinics from early 2024, said Minister for Health Ong Ye Kung in his Mar. 3 Committee of Supply speech.

Under the new Healthier SG Chronic Tier, patients will be able to get subsidised chronic drugs from their GP clinics "at around the same price as polyclinic drugs", with means-tested subsidies of up to 87.5 per cent with no dollar cap.

Currently, many patients with complex chronic diseases opt to visit a polyclinic for the subsidised medication, as the CHAS subsidies may be insufficient for their medication needs.

But the health minister emphasised that the new Chronic Tier subsidy is optional.

"We know of some patients from this group, they are used to certain brands of drugs. And they prefer to get from their GPs even though they are not subsidised," he explained.

For patients who would like to switch to the subsidised drugs, they can now get them through their GPs.

"But they are not compelled to switch. They can stay with the unsubsidised drugs that they are used to, if they wish to," he said.

Patients may also choose to switch between the existing CHAS Chronic Tier and the new Healthier SG Chronic Tier to cater for changes in their medication needs, the Ministry of Health said in a press release.

More help for chronically ill

Apart from the subsidised medication, patients under the Healthier SG Chronic Tier will also receive subsidies of up to S$360 a year for other parts of chronic care, such as consultations and lab tests.

Residents under the Chronic Disease Management Programme will soon be able to use MediSave to pay for their bills for chronic treatment fully, up to the withdrawal limit from early 2024.

Currently, they have to co-pay 15 per cent in cash.

Pre-enrolment for the Healthier SG programme will commence in May 2023 for residents aged 40 and above with chronic conditions.

National enrolment will begin for residents aged 60 and above from July 2023, and will be progressively rolled out to the rest of the population.

Top image via SingHealth Polyclinics/FB and CHAS