Chinese man, 27, leaves billionaire adoptive parents to go back to multi-millionaire birth parents

After 25 years.

Winnie Li | February 13, 2023, 04:16 PM

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A man in China has become famous on Weibo for giving a first-hand account of his journey of being abducted at two years old, adopted by his billionaire adoptive parents, and eventually returning to his multi-millionaire birth parents, according to Chinese news outlet, Jiupai News.

The 27-year-old, Mei Zhiqiang, was previously regarded by Chinese internet users as "a young master who was abducted" and "born to be rich", especially after being filmed wearing a Rolex watch and driving a Porsche.

Screenshot via Weibo

What happened

In July 1997, Mei was reportedly abducted when playing near his house.

He was around two years old then.

He told Jiupai he was then sold to the first buyer.

He could barely eat anything at that time due to his weak digestive system and became very skinny.

When Mei was no longer wanted, his adoptive grandparents decided to take him in.

Mei is the only adopted child in his adoptive family, where he has two elder sisters and a younger brother.

Since primary school, Mei shared that he could already tell that he was adopted from the little things in life.

However, when asked to provide some examples, Mei declined to explain further.

After graduating from high school, Mei said he chose not to pursue tertiary education, a decision he attributed to his upbringing.

He explained candidly that for individuals who are born and raised in entrepreneurial families like his, they do not believe that education was useful in altering one's destiny.

Screenshot from Weibo

Under his adoptive parents' arrangement, Mei's first job was in a hospital.

He subsequently started his own business in the field of gaming and e-commerce.

During this period, Mei said his desire to find his birth parents grew stronger and stronger.

In the end, he decided to send in his DNA sample in Putian in Fujian province and was reunited with his birth parents in June 2022 after 25 years apart.

Screenshot from Weibo

Birth family never stopped finding Mei

After Mei's abduction in 1997, his birth parents went and searched for him for around 20 days.

During the search mission, Mei's father said his wife could barely eat and was even put on glucose drip.

Even though Mei was not found, his father said the family would nevertheless celebrate his birthday, but he and his wife couldn't bring themselves to cut the cake.

During mid-autumn festivals, a Chinese holiday in which families would typically gather and enjoy a reunion dinner together, Mei's parents would also set aside a bowl with chopsticks for Mei as if he was there.

However, when the couple thought about their lost son, they would start to cry and lose all their appetite.

When Mei's parents bought homes for their children, they also bought one for Mei and told others that they knew he would return one day.

Mei's elder sister, who is six years older than him, has also been blaming herself over the years for not taking good care of her brother, which resulted in his abduction.

Screenshot from Weibo

Adoptive parents support Mei's decision

Mei told Jiupai that his adoptive parents are supportive of his decision to find and return to his birth parents.

Nevertheless, he shared that his adoptive parents were a bit sad at first as he has spent around 20 years in the family, and they have built a bond together.

Moving forward, Mei said he would do his best to take care of both of his families.

As of now, he is learning how to run a business from his birth father, who intends to pass it on to him one day.

Went on camera to raise awareness of child trafficking

In the interview, Mei also clarified that he is actually an introvert, and he would not have appeared on camera if it were not for raising awareness of child trafficking in China.

Child trafficking has been plaguing China for a long time, and buyers are typically families who are unable to give birth but still hope to pass on their bloodline.

In 2021, Chinese police were able to crack 206 cases of child trafficking and arrest 543 suspects, according to Xinhua News.

A total of 4,142 children who were abducted previously were able to reunite with their birth parents, with one of them being kept away from home for as long as 61 years.

Top image via Jiupai News' Weibo page