Man vapes on MRT & gets Stomp-ed, authorities track him down & fine him


Nigel Chua | February 27, 2023, 11:01 AM

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Unsurprisingly, the authorities in Singapore have managed to track down a man seen vaping on the MRT on Feb. 4, 2023.

The man's illegal act was filmed by a contributor of website Stomp, which uploaded the short clip on Feb. 14.

The video shows the man seated on the train floor and bringing an e-vaporiser to his mouth.

The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) said on Feb. 25 that the Singapore Police Force assisted in identifying the offender, a 45-year-old Chinese man, so that enforcement action could be taken against him.

HSA checked the man's residence on Feb. 22. HSA said:

"The 45-year-old Chinese man claimed that the e-vaporiser he used was a discarded e-vaporiser found on the streets and he has since thrown it away. After further investigations, he was issued with a composition fine for the illegal use of an e-vaporiser."

HSA said it takes "a very serious view" of possession and use of e-vaporisers and related items, which are banned.

The agency said "stern actions" would be taken against offenders.

It highlighted that the man in the Stomp video "had blatantly flouted the law by using an e-vaporiser in plain sight of commuters on the train", such that he was featured in a Stomp article.

Purchase, possession and use of e-vaporisers are prohibited in Singapore under the Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act, said HSA.

This includes purchases made through the Internet and from overseas. Offenders can be fined up to S$2,000.

It is also illegal to import and sell such products.

Offenders can be fined up to S$10,000 and/or jailed up to six months for the first offence, and the maximum penalties are doubled for subsequent offences.

"HSA will continue to work with relevant agencies to deter such activities and to take stern enforcement actions against offenders," said the agency.

HSA's announcement also directed members of the public to the HealthHub website for "information about the harms of e-vaporisers", and the HSA website for "information pertaining to prohibited tobacco products in Singapore"

It also directed members of the public who have information on illegal activities involving e-vaporisers and under-aged smokers to the official reporting channel.

HSA said such information can be relayed to the Tobacco Regulation Branch at 66842036 or 66842037 during office hours (9:00am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday).

Top image via STOMP