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Large crowds are expected in Little India for the Deepavali celebrations, especially on the eve of Deepavali on Sunday, Oct. 23, 2022, the police said in an advisory on Oct. 20.
Heavy vehicular and human traffic are expected along Serangoon Road during this period.
Auxiliary police officers will be deployed along the affected roads and junctions to regulate traffic and assist motorists.
Motorists are advised to make alternative travel arrangements and to drive with caution.
Strict enforcement action will also be taken against illegal parking.
No public drinking
No public drinking is allowed within the Little India Liquor Control Zone, which lasts from Friday, Oct. 21, 10.30pm to Tuesday, Oct. 25, 7am.
Little India is declared as a Liquor Control Zone (LCZ) under the provisions of the Liquor Control (Supply and Consumption) Act 2015.
No improvised explosive devices constructed using sparklers
The police also said it take a serious view of anyone who sets off improvised explosive devices constructed using sparklers.
Such acts and devices are potential fire hazards, which cause undue danger and alarm to the public.
The police will also take strict enforcement action against offenders who discharge fireworks illegally.
Such illegal discharge of fireworks poses a serious danger to the public and their properties.
Members of the public are advised to abide by the law and comply with the instructions of the police and auxiliary police officers so that the Deepavali celebrations can take place safely.
The police and auxiliary police officers will be stepping up our patrols in Little India to maintain law and order and to enforce the Liquor Control Act.
Persons found consuming liquor in any public place within the Little India Liquor Control Zone during the prescribed no-public drinking periods will face enhanced penalties.
Offenders can be fined up to S$1,500.
Repeat offenders can be fined up to S$3,000 and jailed up to 4.5 months, or both.
Errant retailers who supply liquor beyond the permitted trading hours may have their liquor licences revoked.
Anyone caught setting off such improvised explosive devices may be liable to an offence of
negligent conduct with respect to explosive substances, punishable by an imprisonment term of up to one year or a fine of up to S$5,000, or both.
Should the act lead to any hurt caused, one may be liable to prosecution for voluntarily causing hurt with heated or explosive substances.
If convicted, offenders will be liable to an imprisonment term or up to seven years, or a fine, or caning, or any combination of such punishments.
Illegal possession and discharge of fireworks is an offence punishable by an imprisonment term of up to two years or with a fine of up to S$5,000, or both.
The importation of fireworks is also a serious offence punishable by an imprisonment of not less than six months and not more than two years, and also with caning of up to six strokes.
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