Samaritans of S'pore launches 24h WhatsApp service for suicide prevention

You can now text to share with struggles with someone.

Zhangxin Zheng | September 10, 2022, 01:20 PM

The Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) has officially launched a 24-hour WhatsApp text messaging service for individuals in distress.

The WhatsApp service, known as CareText, is manned by SOS’ trained volunteers and staff.

Those who prefer to share their struggles via text message can now text 9151 1767 for support, in addition to their 24-hour hotline 1-767 (1-SOS) and CareMail ([email protected]).

CareText was first piloted in July 2020 on limited hours before running 24/7 in the last eight months as a trial.

With CareText, SOS answered 1,800 chats in August 2022. This is close to triple the number of chats received in August 2021.

About 82 per cent of those who reached out to them via CareText are aged 29 and below.

More youths have also stepped up to play a part to support their peers, with 80 per cent of trained CareText volunteers also aged 29 and below.

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