Ex-NOC Ryan Tan says he's 'officially broke', receives S$1,000 donation from follower

The donor is the founder of Mentai-Ya Japanese Cuisine.

Matthias Ang | June 27, 2022, 06:16 PM

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The former co-founder of Night Owl Cinematics (NOC), Ryan Tan, shared that he's "officially broke" following his departure from the company.

He founded NOC together with his ex-wife Sylvia Chan.

In a series of Instagram Stories put up on what appeared to be Jun. 24, Tan said that he had lost "more than 90 per cent" of his money.

He added that he had been affected by costs pertaining to legal fees, starting up new companies and having no income.

Image from Ryan Tan/Instagram via Hardwarezone

In another Instagram Story put up on Jun. 26, Tan added that he had to pay salaries, bills and loans, and that he was also working in an industry where clients "don't necessarily pay up on time".

Image from Ryan Tan/Instagram

Image from Ryan Tan/Instagram

He also said that he was not "legally not allowed" to explain how he ended up in his current situation.

Image from Ryan Tan/Instagram

Received S$1,000 from Mentai-Ya Japanese Cuisine founder

Tan also thanked people in his Instagram stories for their support, amidst his current circumstances.

Image from Ryan Tan/Instagram via Hardwarezone

One such person was Khoo Keat Hwee, the founder of Mentai-Ya Japanese Cuisine.

On behalf of Mentai-Ya and himself, Khoo gave S$1,000 to Tan after seeing his stories.

Image from Ryan Tan/Instagram via Hardwarezone

In a TikTok video put up on Jun. 25, Khoo wrote that he did not know much about Tan or NOC.

However, he said that he admired Tan for speaking out about his situation.

Khoo added that when he failed, he had "ran away from everyone on earth" and did not dare to ask for help or even speak about his situation.

In an interview with Shin Min Daily News published on Jun. 18, Khoo said that at one point, he owed up to S$120,000 in 2018, following the failure of his food & beverage (F&B) business venture.

Khoo was quoted as saying that he had borrowed more than S$100,000 from the banks and licensed money lenders, as well as S$10,000 from loan sharks.

To pay off his debts, he had to work as a private-hire vehicle (PHV) driver for 12-16 hours every day.

Khoo eventually returned to the F&B industry in Aug. 2020, when he opened the first Mentai-Ya stall at a coffee shop in Bukit Panjang.

He has since paid off his debts.

Mentai-Ya founder expresses surprise at disapproval for his donation

Khoo subsequently put up a second video on Jun. 26 in which he expressed his surprise at the number of people who disapproved of his donation to Tan on his initial TikTok video.

Many of them criticised the donations, claiming Tan had a "lavish lifestyle".

Source: Screenshot from Mentaiya keat TikTok

Source: Screenshot from Mentaiya keat TikTok

Source: Screenshot from Mentaiya keat TikTok

However, Khoo reiterated his stance of respect for Tan:

"I respect him being honest & put away his ego. and tell ppl he is f***p or broke. I couldn't do tt."

Top images from Ryan Tan/Instagram via Hardwarezone