HDB community cat at void deck sits on pants that fell down because if it fits it sits

This is origin story of how one gets the pants back and a new pet cat.

Belmont Lay | June 04, 2022, 07:14 PM

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There are many things in life you can put your money on.

Gravity always wins.

If you sleep by the time the sun rises, you'll feel woozy when you wake up.

And if it fits, it sits.

This was what one person shared on TikTok on June 3, after going downstairs to pick up a piece of laundry that fell down -- only to find the piece of garment occupied by a community cat, apparently in a jiffy.

Loaf of grey tabby

The caption in the video read: "When you dropped your pants off the balcony and went down to collect it."

It proceeded to show a loaf of grey tabby nestled on the turquoise pants with a hanger still attached to it.

It is not known what happened next as the video cut off right after getting a shot of the cat's mug, but the person who shot it could very well have gone home without a pair of pants.


That was one of the outcomes suggested by the myriad of comments on the TikTok video that also mooted bringing the cat home along with the pants, as well as just bringing the cat home and leaving the pants behind.

Other commenters suggested the person who lost the pants did not choose the cat, but it was the cat who chose the person.

Very few and close to none of the comments suggested moving the cat and taking pants, as it will be an affront to felines everywhere.

Why do cats sit on things?

Cats are notable for their inclination to sit on things, such as cardboard boxes and rugs.

It has been suggested that the presence of a new material might be pleasing and novel to them, or that they are simply claiming things as their own.

All media via TikTok @myblackkitty