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A motorcyclist rescued a cat that was stranded along a road recently.
He shared the incident on May 17 in the Facebook group, Sayang Our Singapore's Community Cats, in hopes of finding its owner.
The post has received close to 400 shares so far.
The black cat
The Facebook user, Zamani Zamri, was driving through the Bartley Road underpass when he spotted a "beautiful thick and long coat black cat" at the side of the road.
This is the location where the cat was found. Image courtesy of Zamani Zamri/FB.
He stopped to pick it up and brought it to a veterinarian.
After some checks, the vet told him that the cat was healthy but did not have a microchip.
Zamani hopes to return the cat to the owner if it has one. And if it doesn't, he hopes to find the cat a family who can foster or adopt it.
Those with information on the cat's owner, or are interested in adopting the cat can contact him via Facebook.
Here's what the cat looks like:
Image courtesy of Zamani Zamri/FB.
Image courtesy of Zamani Zamri/FB.
Earn a lot of praise
Netizens praised Zamani for rescuing the cat.
One wrote: "Omg how dangerous… thank goodness she met you! Bless you for rescuing her."
Many others also thanked him for stopping to help the cat.
There were other users who expressed their interest in adopting the cat in the comment section.
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Top images courtesy of Zamani Zamri/FB.
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