Kind lorry driver stops on CTE to help change strangers' flat tyre despite being in a rush

He left quickly before they had a chance to thank him properly.

Jane Zhang | March 22, 2022, 06:23 PM

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As drivers will know, getting a flat tyre can be annoying and even potentially dangerous, especially if you're cruising at a high speed on an expressway.

Unfortunately for two women in Singapore, this is exactly what happened to them while they were on the Central Expressway (CTE).

Luckily for them, though, a kind and skilled stranger quickly came to their rescue, helping them change their tyre and rushing off before they had a chance to properly thank him.

Tyre gave out while on expressway

On Monday (Mar. 20), the two women — Stella and PQ — posted a TikTok sharing about the flat tyre situation and praising the stranger's kindness.

The two women told Mothership that they had been driving on the CTE when they noticed one of their car's tyres showing some problematic signs.

As they neared the Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 exit, they felt the tyre completely give out and immediately pulled out of their lane onto the chevron markings between the expressway and the slip lane.

Screenshot via TikTok/@pluufuykeke_pqqt.

Gif via TikTok/@pluufuykeke_pqqt.

They had just changed the tyre two days prior, so the two women planned to call the tyre company and ask for assistance.

Man driving lorry carrying tyres stopped in front of them

But less than a minute after they stopped, a tyre lorry stopped in front of them from the slip lane.

The two women were unsure why the man stopped, but upon seeing his lorry filled with tyres, PQ approached the man for help.

"He was on a call and seemed busy but proceeded to ask further about what happened. He told me he had the equipment on board his lorry and asked us to take out the spare tyre."

Gif via TikTok/@pluufuykeke_pqqt.

The man then used the tools from his lorry to help them change the tyre as it was "dangerously close" to the traffic on the road.

Gif via TikTok/@pluufuykeke_pqqt.

Didn't get a chance to properly thank him

However, PQ and Stella didn't get a chance to thank the man before he drove off.

Gif via TikTok/@pluufuykeke_pqqt.

They explained to us that they had been busy putting the flat tyre away after it was changed out, and the man drove off during this time.

"I believe that we could have handled the situation better but we were so flustered and really regret being unable to have spoken more to him."

In their video, PQ shared a message of thanks in English and Chinese:

"To the China uncle that stopped and helped me, thank you! Thank you for your tremendous help. Hope that you will also meet kind people like yourself if you need help in the future."

When we asked them about it, Stella and PQ once again expressed their gratitude:

"We are nothing short of thankfulness for his kindness. He never hesitated to provide help despite being busy.

We were still quite flustered and in a state of shock but he was able to be calm and helped us so tremendously during that situation even though it was very dangerous at the road divider."

Were able to find the man thanks to TikTok

They explained in a comment that they had offered to pay the man for his help, but he had rushed off before they had chance to do so.

The two women asked whether anyone happened to know the man, as they wanted to share their appreciation with him.

Amazingly, several people actually commented that they knew the man and the company.

Stella and PQ then contacted Kong Seng Huat Tyres, the man's employer. They said that the company declined to accept monetary compensation for its employees, so instead Stella and PQ offered to buy food and snacks for him and the company.

They plan to make a trip down to the company as soon as they can.

On their call with the employer, they once again emphasised their gratitude for the man:

"We also highlighted to them his selfless spirit in going the extra mile to help those in need and hoping that the company will commend him for his kind actions."

And what would Stella and PQ say to the man if they had a chance?

"Thank you for not just changing our tyres but also showing us that selflessness and kindness exists and for us to pay it forward to others in need."

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Top photos via TikTok/@pluufuykeke_pqqt.