New photos of Amos Yee in U.S. prison emerge online

Looking quite different.

Low Jia Ying | March 21, 2022, 04:36 PM

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Prison photos of convicted sex offender Amos Yee have emerged on the Internet, after some sleuthing by a Hardwarezone user on Mar. 19.

The 23-year-old Yee is currently in custody at the Illinois River Correctional Center in the United States.

Photo via Illinois Department of Corrections

Photo via Illinois Department of Corrections

Yee is currently serving a six-year prison sentence after he pleaded guilty to two charges of grooming and possessing child pornography.

In the photos, Yee can be seen sporting long and messy hair, and wearing a light blue garment under a jacket.

Hardwarezone users were quick to comment on Yee's appearance.

The Chicago Police Department's photo of Yee when he was first remanded in October 2020 shows a different-looking Yee.

Photo via Chicago Police

Eligible for parole in 2023

The Illinois Department of Corrections, which currently has custody of Yee, keeps a public record of current inmates on its website.

It states that Yee's projected parole date is Oct. 6, 2023, about three years after he was first taken into custody.

Yee's projected discharge date is Oct. 8, 2026.

His profile also states that he is required to be on the sex offender's registry.

via Illinois Department of Corrections


Yee was arrested in October 2020 after prosecutors obtained messages he exchanged with a 14-year-old Texan girl between April and July 2019.

He had exchanged nude photos with her via WhatsApp.

According to prosecutors, the girl had repeatedly brought up her age to Yee.

Yee was 20 years old when he first befriended the girl online, according to CNA.

The girl then contacted a group of people "interested in exposing paedophiles" after her relationship with Yee fell apart.

Yee was granted asylum in the U.S. in 2017 after he was jailed in Singapore on two separate occasions in 2015 and 2016 for wounding religious feelings.

During Yee's sentencing for the child pornography and grooming offences, a judge told Yee that he may be deported back to Singapore and denied entry to the U.S. in the future upon pleading guilty.

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Top photos via Illinois Department of Corrections and YouTube