More thundery showers expected over S'pore in 1st half of Feb. 2022

Time to get wet.

Syahindah Ishak | January 31, 2022, 05:29 PM

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Singapore can expect more thundery showers in the first fortnight of February 2022.

Rainy afternoons on most days

According to the Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS), rainfall may be expected over parts of Singapore in the afternoon on most days.

However, the rain could extend into the evening on a few days.

Widespread moderate to heavy thundery showers induced by large-scale convergence of winds over Singapore and the surrounding region may also be expected on a few days.

Overall, the rainfall for the first half of February 2022 is forecast to be above average over most parts of the island, MSS said.

Temperature could still be high

While more showers are expected in the first fortnight of February, the daily maximum temperature could still reach a high of around 34°C on a few days.

The daily temperature is expected to range between 24°C and 33°C on most days.

Northeast Monsoon

According to MSS, the wet weather is due to prevailing Northeast Monsoon conditions in the first half of February 2022, with low-level winds blowing from the northwest or northeast.

On the first few days of the forecast period, a mass of dry air over the equatorial Southeast Asia region may bring stable atmospheric conditions and generally fair and warm weather over most parts of Singapore.

After that, the monsoon rain band is expected to move closer to the equator.

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Top image by Yan Da Ng via Unsplash.