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An elderly man who was cycling outside Old Airport Road Food Centre fell after colliding into a carpark exit gantry that was lowered abruptly in front of him.
Tailgating a white van
Footage of the incident was uploaded onto Beh Chia Lor's Facebook group on Nov. 26.
In the video, a white van was exiting the Old Airport Road Food Centre's carpark in the left lane while the gantry was lifted to let it pass.
Two cyclists appeared to tailgate the white van — the elderly man was cycling behind a cyclist in black who followed close behind the white van.
The cyclist in black made it past the gantry before it lowered itself back down.
However, the elderly man found himself right in front of the gantry when it lowered.
In response, he grabbed the gantry with both hands as he fell off his bicycle and landed on his back.
After the elderly man's back hit the ground, he released his grip on the gantry and picked himself up.
The cyclist in black stopped upon hearing the other cyclist fall and had turned to look at the elderly man.
Split views on the incident
A number of netizens expressed concern for the elderly man's wellbeing after the fall.
Others pointed out that the elderly man's accident was caused by tailgating and he should have used the footpath instead of the road.
On-road cyclists need to obey traffic rules
According to the Land Transport Authority (LTA)'s Rules & Code of Conduct for active mobility device users, including cyclists, on-road cyclists are to obey and observe all traffic rules.
Cyclists have to wear a helmet when cycling on roads and keep a safe distance behind moving vehicles, it added.
Top images via Beh Chia Lor's Facebook page.
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