Breakwater near Marina Bay cordoned off after going viral on social media

Not a secret hideout anymore.

Fasiha Nazren | June 13, 2021, 01:52 PM

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As dining in is not allowed during Phase 2 (Heightened Alert), you'll find more Singaporeans going out for picnics.

Some have resorted to having picnics at parks and beaches, including the then-lesser-known Breakwater @ Marina East, also known locally as Pulau Ujong.

For the uninitiated, it is located near the Marina Bay area, and features a stretch of breakwater (a hard shore-parallel structure).

Photo from Johnson Yeo on Facebook.

Gained popularity online

It gained immense popularity over the P2HA period, after it was featured as a path less trodden on social media.

Here's a look at how crowded the area can get in recent weeks:

Video from @anushkaganasan on TikTok.

Video from @reallyadorablez on TikTok.

Cordoned off

However it seems that the area has already been cordoned off, at least as recently as June 11, according to a Facebook post by one Adeline Goh in the SG PCN Cyclist Facebook group.

Photo from Adeline Goh's Facebook page.

Photo from Adeline Goh's Facebook page.

Another post by Amir Sakai shared that the area has been closed since as early as June 7.

Photo from Amir Sakai's Facebook page.

It also seems like some visitors may have left more than footprints behind.

Photo from Mariah Ma on Facebook.

Photo from Jenny Sim on Facebook.

Though, some did say that the rubbish may have been brought over by the tide, and not by the visitors.


Top image from Adeline Goh and Mariah Ma on Facebook, @reallyadorablez on TikTok.