Farmhouse dark chocolate flavoured milk now in S'pore from S$2.50

Is dark chocolate milk an oxymoron?

Mandy How | May 28, 2021, 03:08 PM

Farmhouse has released another variant of its milk products — the Dark Chocolate Low Fat Flavoured Milk.

The packaged drink is a combination of bittersweet coca and fresh milk.

The usual health labels are there: supposedly low in fat and high in calcium, as well as a Healthier Choice Symbol by the Health Promotion Board (HPB).

You can find it in most supermarkets, hypermarkets, and participating retail outlets in Singapore at S$3.30 for a one-litre pack, or S$2.50 for a 490ml pack.

Photo via F&N Foods

Photo via F&N Foods

Top image via F&N Foods