foodpanda support allegedly tells customer that rider 'is playing with you, want you to lose your money'

The foodpanda rider called out the support staff's alleged behaviour as "unprofessional".

Karen Lui | April 10, 2021, 06:18 PM

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foodpanda appears to have terrible luck when it comes to customer service by its support centre staff.

A foodpanda rider shared his unpleasant experience of being unfairly accused by a foodpanda support centre staff.

"Rider is playing with you"

One Mohamed Azmi posted about his experience in a public Facebook group, Complaint Singapore, on Apr. 10.

Azmi had informed the "chat dispatch" that the stall from which the customer ordered food was closed.

Image of the vendor that was closed at the time of order. Mohamed Azmi/Facebook.

Azmi then called the customer, informing them to seek a refund from foodpanda's customer support.

However, the foodpanda support centre staff claimed that while they were able to cancel the order for the customer, they were unable to offer a refund as "the restaurant has already accepted it and started preparing it".

Immediately after that, the support centre staff did a U-turn and said "please wait till 8:30" with a promise to "get you full refund".

And then came the stunner: The support centre staff allegedly wrote:

"The rider is playing with you he want [sic] you to lose your money."

Image by Mohamed Azmi.

"Unprofessional" behaviour

Apparently, the customer had forwarded the screenshot to Azmi who expressed his anger towards the support centre staff's allegation.

Calling out the "unprofessional" behaviour of the staff to say such a thing to the customer and for "tarnishing" his reputation as a foodpanda rider, Azmi demanded in his Facebook post for the support centre to call him and apologise to him personally.

He also wondered about "the rest of panda rider[s]" who may have been unknowingly subjected to such treatment by support centre staff.

The foodpanda rider then urged his fellow riders to "voice out" instead of keeping quiet "to make the issue right".

"We as a rider are doing our best to deliver to customer, we are humans too and we have our rights. We don't deserve to be treat from our support centre in this manner or even tarnish our name!!!!"

Mothership has reached out to foodpanda for clarification and a statement.

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Top images by Foodpanda and Mohamed Azmi.