S'pore delivery rider hi-fives traffic officer on the road in wholesome TikTok video

Probably brightened both of their days.

Jane Zhang | December 22, 2020, 03:58 PM

Sometimes it's the small interactions that can make someone's day and leave them smiling.

One food delivery rider probably made one traffic police officer's pretty overcast day a lot brighter when he asked him for a high five out of the blue.

"Do you want a high five, sir?"

Sharil B is a delivery rider who films himself going about his deliveries using a GoPro which is strapped to his helmet.

One heartwarming 15-second clip shared on TikTok by Sharil has gone rather viral, garnering more than 300,000 views in three days.

In the video, Sharil can be seen pulling up along a quiet road where an officer is holding up his hand to direct Sharil to stop, as there is construction happening ahead.

As Sharil approaches from afar and begins to slow down, he cheekily asks, "Do you want a high five, sir?"

"Do you want a high five, sir?" Gif via TikTok / sharil.b.

The officer likely does not hear Sharil's question, as Sharil was still several metres away when he asked, and waves to direct the construction workers to continue.

Sharil prompts again, a bit more reservedly this time, "High five," and stretching out his arm slightly.

Second try. Gif via TikTok / sharil.b.

The officer once again does not seem to register Sharil's request as he continues about his job.

Operational High Five: successful

Sharil tries his luck once more, offering a slightly more confident-sounding "high five" and extending his hand toward the officer's outstretched arm.

Will the third time be the charm? Gif via TikTok / sharil.b.

The officer turns to look at Sharil and laughs good-naturedly, finally taking up Sharil's offer of friendship and meeting him halfway for a high five.

High five successful! Gif via TikTok / sharil.b.

Both men laugh heartily afterward, and the officer turns back to his job of directing traffic while Sharil backs up to give him space.

You can watch Sharil's video, to get the full experience with sound, here.

TikTok comments

Sharil's video has gotten more than 34,000 likes and 220 comments since it was posted on Dec. 19.

Many TikTokers commended Sharil for brightening the officer's day and commented on how wholesome the video was.

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Top photos via TikTok / sharil.b.