PUB delivers bags of pure drinking water to household after block's water supply disrupted

Good service recovery effort.

Belmont Lay | October 08, 2020, 06:23 PM

A resident in Singapore has taken to Facebook to share about receiving a few bags of pure drinking water delivered to his home by PUB personnel, following a disruption in his block's water supply.

His post marvelled at how multiple PUB personnel showed up at his place over the course of four hours just to apologise four times, and then deliver packets of potable water.

This experience in Singapore is unlike overseas, the man claimed, as people there would be left to fend for themselves in such situations.

Are Singaporeans pampered?

His post also touched on whether Singaporeans have come to expect too much from the government, and if the public service is going too far to placate its people, which would in turn, heighten people's expectations.

The man entertained a lively discussion in the comments section of his post, as some pointed out that the delivery of potable water is not the norm.

Residents who have experienced such outages are usually asked to go to a water point to collect water, and this man's experience might have been aided by PUB personnel wanting to go the extra mile for residents.

You can read his post here:

Yesterday, water supply to my block was disrupted due to a burst water main. In the span of 4 hours, several PUB officers visited my home four times to apologise, explain and to deliver packets of potable water.

I have lived overseas and in most countries residents will be left to fend for themselves.

Our government is spoiling us and, inevitably, setting themselves up for failure. Customer service is one thing that can never fully satisfy people. The more you give, the more people expect.

Thank you PUB, but you shouldn't have.

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