Heavily tattooed Frenchman claims he lost kindergarten teacher job after parents complained

Parents apparently complained after their three-year-old kid got nightmares.

Tanya Ong | September 29, 2020, 12:30 PM

Meet 35-year-old Sylvain Helaine.


According to his Instagram profile, he is a self-proclaimed school teacher, comedian, international model and performer.

Recently, Helaine has been making headlines after claiming that he lost a kindergarten teaching job because of his tattoos.

Parents had complained

In a Reuters report, he claimed he was teaching at an elementary school in Paris last year when parents of a three-year-old kid complained to the authorities saying that their son "had nightmares after seeing him".

The school authorities later informed Helaine that he would no longer teach kindergarten pupils.

A spokesperson from the local education authority also explained that students under six "could be frightened by his appearance".

Helaine is currently still a teacher, but only teaches students above six.

He also hopes to continue teaching as he "loves his job", Reuters reported. “Maybe when they are adults they will be less racist and less homophobic and more open-minded,” he added.

Considers himself a "moving piece of art"

The 35-year-old, who is entirely covered in tattoos and has the whites of his eyes turned black surgically, "considers himself a moving piece of art".

"Usually when I walk in the streets, people look at me just like... if I were a freak," he said.

However, when people hear him talk and learn that he is a schoolteacher, "it gets better".

Screengrab via Truly/YouTube

In a recent YouTube video where he tried getting his tattoos entirely covered, he said he was "relieved to be himself again" after the makeup was removed.

You can see the video here:


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Top photo via screengrab from YouTube video, by Truly.