East Spring Secondary School student tests positive for Covid-19

The student did not go to school.

Belmont Lay | June 28, 2020, 11:12 PM

A total of 213 new cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in Singapore as of 12pm on Sunday, June 28, 2020.

This brings the total number of cases to 43,459.

Out of the 213 new cases, there are 11 new cases in the community.

Six are Singaporeans/ Permanent Residents and two are Work Pass holders, and three Work Permit holders.

Update on the 6 Singaporean cases

Of the 11 cases in the community, MOH said in its evening daily Covid-19 update that eight of them had been picked up as a result of proactive surveillance and screening, and one had already been placed on quarantine earlier.

One Singaporean case is a secondary school student

Amongst the six Singaporean cases, one (Case 43297) was tested as part of the proactive screening of school students who are diagnosed with acute respiratory infection (ARI) at first presentation to a doctor.

She is a student at East Spring Secondary School, but had not gone to school since onset of symptoms.

Another Singaporean case is a close contact

Another case (Case 43315) had been identified as a contact of a previously confirmed case, and had already been quarantined earlier.

He was swabbed during quarantine to verify his status.

Two Singaporean cases working at dorms or frontlines

Two cases (Cases 43316 and 43317) were detected due to our proactive surveillance of persons working at dormitories or deployed to frontline Covid-19 operations, even though they are asymptomatic.

Two Singaporean cases still undergoing investigations

Epidemiological investigations are ongoing for the remaining two cases (Cases 43429 and 43483).