Working on the medical frontlines is a tough occupation, and occasionally, even medical workers require assistance and guidance.
This exact scene was what one Alex Chua, a local photographer, witnessed in a migrant worker dormitory amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.
Guiding frontline workers
Chua is a local photographer who has been documenting the stories and faces of those on the frontlines across various essential sectors.
In a post on Facebook on May 29, Chua detailed how he spotted a medical worker decked out in full PPE, moving amongst the nurses.
The woman would quietly explain and guide them on the proper swabbing procedures before stepping back to observe them.
She even attended to one of the patients, a migrant worker about to tested.
"Again I saw her tending to a MW, drawing his blood for testing. Assuring and gentle, I doubt the MW felt the pain of the needle prick.
I saw her once again going back and forth, stopping briefly to talk to the doctors, nurses and swabbers."
After asking another nurse, Chua realised that the woman was Associate Professor Ong Biauw Chi, the Chairman of the Medical Board of Sengkang General Hospital (SKH).
"Getting her hands dirty"
According to SKH's website, Ong boasts a long list of credentials.
Ong graduated from the National University of Singapore in 1986, and proceeded to attain a Master of Medicine in Anaesthesia with the gold medal award in 1992 from the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.
Aside from spearheading various Clinical Practice Improvement Projects, she teaches and mentors junior doctors, nurses and medical officers at various institutes including Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and Duke-NUS Medical School.
Clearly that passion for teaching has translated to her workplace as well.
In his post, Chua voiced his admiration for Ong and praised her for venturing to the frontlines to guide other workers herself.
"Being a leader is not just a title. It is getting your hands dirty and doing what you preach. It's about coaching and listening and making your people better than they were yesterday."
Here are some photos Chua snapped.

Top photo from Alex Chua / FB
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