Covid-19: Bangkok’s Chatuchak weekend market re-opening

Back to business.

Belmont Lay | May 08, 2020, 03:45 PM

Chatuchak, Bangkok’s legendary weekend market, is re-opening on Saturday, May 9, 2020.

The massive semi-outdoor market will resume business after weeks of being shuttered due to Covid-19 infections worldwide.

But visitors will be required to observe physical distancing and wear face masks as part of safe-distancing measures.

The city is also providing standard preventive measures, including temperature screening at all entrances, sanitiser gel for all visitors and physical distance markings.

The added benefit for patrons will be that public toilets have to be cleansed every two hours.

Food stalls have been told to emphasise takeaway services, but stalls with seating will be required to separate diners by at least 1.5 metres.

Stalls selling garments, shoes, bags and other similar items must limit the number of customers to five at a time, or 10 for larger stalls.

Wet market section under scrutiny

Popular with both Thai and foreign tourists, the weekend market will be open from 5am to 6pm, for shops selling everything from garments, souvenirs, shoes and decorative items, to food, snacks, secondhand items, ceramics and more.

Chatuchak is famous for its crowded, tight corridors and extensive shopping selection.

However, it is also infamous for its wet markets, which are now come under greater scrutiny following the likely outbreak of the pandemic in a Wuhan wet market in China.

The wet market section of Chatuchak has a notorious reputation as hub for illegal businesses selling protected wild animals smuggled from across the world.

The authorities have not addressed the wet market business, so it is left to be seen what will happen when the market re-opens.

Other markets in Bangkok, Thailand have also resumed operations.

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