Lady orders S$100 worth of food delivery for foreign workers in Punggol dormitory


Tanya Ong | April 16, 2020, 12:01 PM

If you're in need of a heartwarming story this season, look no further.

This tweet on Apr. 14 shows how the Covid-19 crisis has brought out the best in some people.

In a tweet by one MxhdIskandar on Twitter, he said that a woman ordered food for some migrant workers at Punggol Dormitory.

The screenshot shows a conversation that he had with one Eve Tan.

When asked if she would be there to collect the food, she said "nope" and then requested that he "just pass" the food to them.

He said that he was "glad to help (her) distribute the food".

She then thanked the delivery man for his help, and said that he could take any packet of food he wanted.


According to the order page, Tan had ordered S$100 worth of food, including chapathi, curry puff, thosai, and poori.


The food was delivered from Anchorvale to a dormitory in Punggol.

He also expressed gratitude towards the lady, saying "this is what I call humanity!"

This is his tweet:


Top photo composite image via MOM, Twitter/MxhdIskandar.