S'pore family celebrates end of father's SHN with dance-off outside flat

The dance was a recreation of a scene from Maari, an Indian Tamil movie.

Ashley Tan | April 15, 2020, 02:43 PM

While most of us contend with Circuit Breaker restrictions, one man in Singapore was overjoyed at just a small taste of freedom after a two-week Stay Home Notice (SHN).

Grooving outside their flat

Saravana Moorthy had been cooped up at home in order to serve his 14-day SHN.

He had been served the SHN after he returned from a work trip in Japan on Mar. 26.

While we have to stay inside most of the time during Circuit Breaker, people serving SHN can't even leave their houses to buy food and essentials.

If they are serving SHN in their own home, they have to minimise contact with the rest of their family as much as possible.

Cool moves

Saravana ended his SHN on Apr. 9, and his wife, Subashini Elansezhiyan, took the opportunity to put together a fun little celebration.

In a hilarious Facebook video Subashini posted which has since gone viral, Saravana can be seen enthusiastically grooving to music as he steps out of the house.

Meanwhile, Subashini and their three kids clap and dance along, throw confetti and even place a flower garland over his neck.

Here are some rather entertaining snippets.

Celebration to make the end of the SHN memorable

Subashini told Mothership that her husband was someone who was unable to stay put at home, and had thus came up with the idea to mark the end of his SHN and make the special day memorable for the family.

She added that during the SHN, her husband had to isolate himself in one room and keep his distance from the rest of the family.

As his SHN ended during the Circuit Breaker period, the children had been bored as well, and this was one way Subashini could keep them entertained.

Subashini revealed that the entire dance and set-up was actually recreated from a scene from Tamil movie Maari.

In the scene, the hero protagonist, played by popular Indian actor Dhanush, steps out of the house and is welcomed by his friends.

Subashini felt that the scene was particularly apt for her husband's situation.

Here's the original scene from the movie.

You could say Saravana nailed the dance moves.

In her Facebook post, Subashini quipped that her husband could now take over marketing chores. Saravana is now working from home.

She added that she had hoped the video would remind Singaporeans of the need to stay positive during these trying times.


Top photo from Subashini Elansezhiyan / FB