MOM: Work pass-holders with travel history to ASEAN, UK, Japan & Switzerland need approval to enter S'pore

The Leave of Absence support programme for employers has also been extended.

Sulaiman Daud | March 16, 2020, 02:01 PM

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) announced new restrictions for work pass-holders and dependents coming to Singapore, which will kick in from Mar. 16, 2359hrs.

These include people who have travel history to the following countries in the past 14 days:

  • ASEAN countries
  • Japan
  • Switzerland
  • The United Kingdom

Regardless of the nationality of the pass-holder, their employer must seek approval from MOM before commencing their journey.

Employers can seek approval via this online form.

Approval must be obtained before journeying to Singapore

The existing entry approval requirement for work pass-holders with travel history to mainland China, Iran, South Korea, Italy, France, Spain and Germany within the last 14 days still remains.

The entry approval requirement applies to existing work pass-holders currently out of Singapore, and In-Principle Approval holders who have yet to enter Singapore.

Employers should make it clear to pass-holders that they should not begin their journey to Singapore before receiving the approval.

Stay-Home Notice

Upon entering Singapore, these work pass-holders must serve a 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN).

The employers are responsible for ensuring that they have suitable accommodation for their employees and ensuring they can obtain food and other essentials.

Employees who face difficulties and are not receiving support from their employers can make a report to MOM.

MOM has also extended its Leave of Absence Support programme for employers.

They can obtain S$100 per day per affected worker for the duration of the SHN, if certain criteria are met. Employers can check their eligibility here.

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Top image from MOM Facebook page and Pixabay.