This is how a Stay-Home Notice issued by ICA looks, all 6 pages of it

Individuals who have been issued the notice will need to sign off in acknowledgement. 

Mandy How | March 26, 2020, 10:01 AM

From Mar. 20, all travellers entering Singapore will be issued a 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN).

One Singaporean man, however, flouted his SHN on the day of his return from Myanmar.

His deed was discovered after he posted to Facebook about eating bak kut teh outside.

The man subsequently clarified on his post that he thought the SHN would start the day following his return.

This, however, is erroneous, as the notice is "operative with immediate effect", according to the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

The day of touchdown is also considered Day 0, and not Day 1.

ICA has identified the man who flouted his SHN and given him a warning.

An earlier version of the SHN

If you're curious, here's how an SHN looks if you're served one.

Note that this in an earlier version of the notice from February, where only Singapore residents and long-term pass holders were affected upon returning from mainland China.

The conditions of the notice are laid out unambiguously.

Image via ICA

Image via ICA

Image via ICA

Image via ICA

Image via ICA

Individuals who have been issued the notice will have to sign off in acknowledgement.

Image via ICA

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Top image via ICA, Modern Affliction on Unsplash