NTU: Cleaner with Covid-19 did not have any contact with NTU students

NTU has conducted its own contact tracing.

Jason Fan | March 08, 2020, 10:24 PM

A 69-year-old Singaporean man who was confirmed with Covid-19 on Mar. 8 had gone to work at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) prior to his hospital admission.

The man, Case 141, was a cleaner employed by NTU's cleaning services vendor.

He is also the only unlinked case announced today, out of the 12 cases.

The man first reported symptoms on Mar. 1

According to the Ministry of Health (MOH), the man reported onset of symptoms on Mar. 1, and had sought treatment at a GP clinic on Mar. 3 and Mar. 6.

He was conveyed in an ambulance to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH) on Mar. 6, and subsequent test results confirmed Covid-19 infection on Mar. 7 afternoon.

The man has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions.

The man's duties were confined to NTU Innovation Centre

According to an email sent by NTU to its students, the university has conducted contact tracing, and has confirmed that the man did not have any contact with NTU students, or sustained contact with NTU staff in the course of his work on Mar. 2 and Mar. 3 morning.

The email also clarified that the man was last on campus on Mar. 3, and had been on medical leave since that date.

NTU said that his duties were to clean at the NTU Innovation Centre (previously SIMTech Tower Block), and that his activities were limited to the ground floor restrooms and external area of the building.

"Those areas have since been thoroughly disinfected, and his co-workers from the same cleaning company that he had come into close contact with have also been placed on Leave of Absence," said NTU.

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