MOH orders all hospitals & clinics to either stop or defer appointments by new foreign patients

Existing patients from ASEAN will also be subjected to multiple conditions for entry into Singapore.

Matthias Ang | March 21, 2020, 09:56 PM

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has ordered all public and private healthcare institutions, as well as private specialist clinics, to either stop or defer requests for medical appointments by new foreign patients.

This refers to patients who do not reside in Singapore.

According to a circular dated Mar. 19 and seen by Mothership, the new measure was explained by the Ministry as necessary for conserving "limited healthcare resources" in Singapore to manage Covid-19 cases as well as the "existing needs" of local patients.

Conditions that foreign patients from ASEAN countries must now adhere to

With regard to all existing foreign patients holding an ASEAN passport, MOH added that there are now multiple conditions that they have to adhere to in the event that they are seeking to come to Singapore for treatment.

Should they be actively following up with a specialist in Singapore, the specialist should first encourage the patient to seek treatment in their home country.

In addition, if the patient requires continued specialist care in Singapore, they must apply for the ASEAN Health Clearance (AHC) form "well in advance" of their medical appointment.

Moreover, to be eligible for the approval of their AHC, they must not have visited a hospital outside of Singapore, starting from 14 days prior to their AHC application, until they enter Singapore.

The AHC form can only be waived when three conditions are fulfilled

The circular added that the specialist should only apply for a waiver of the AHC from MOH in the event that the following three conditions are fulfilled:

  1. The patient's healthcare requires specialist management which cannot be met in the home country,
  2. The patient is currently under the attending specialist’s active follow-up, and
  3. The same specialist also certifies that a delay in continuing treatment will lead to "serious adverse outcomes".

Patient needs to show they have accommodation for serving a 14-day Stay Home Notice upon arrival

Moreover, the attending specialist should inform the patient that he or she must adhere to some of the following measures when they arrive in Singapore.

  • That they will need to serve a 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN) upon arrival, and will not be allowed to Singapore until they have served this notice, as per an announcement made by MOH on Mar. 15,
  • That they must also show proof of accommodation for serving out the SHN,
  • That they must clear health checks at the Singapore immigration checkpoint, including a potential swab test for Covid-19 before being allowed into the country, and
  • That no more than one person can accompany them on their visit here.

Failure to meet any of the above conditions will result in denial of entry

The circular added that in the event they arrive in Singapore without the necessary approval, proof of accommodation for their SHN, or fail to meet entry requirements, they will be denied entry into Singapore.

In reiterating the severity of the matter the circular concluded by stating that the measures were for "immediate compliance".

It further added:

"Failure of the specialist to comply with the above may adversely impact public health and safety, and as such, will result in more stringent considerations of subsequent applications by MOH."

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