Covid-19 deaths: S’pore Mufti extends condolences to 2 deceased & The Life Church and Missions Singapore

The Mufti expressed his condolences to the church members and leaders in his ecumenical post.

Belmont Lay | March 22, 2020, 04:59 AM

Singapore’s Mufti, Nazirudin Mohd Nasir, expressed his condolences on Saturday, March 22, after news broke that Singapore registered its first two Covid-19 deaths.

Nazirudin extended his condolences in a post put up on the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS’) Facebook page:

The full post said:

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

It is with great sadness that we hear of the passing of two COVID-19 patients this morning.

I pray that the families of the deceased and our healthcare officers remain strong and resolute.

I would also like to express our heartfelt condolences to leaders and members of The Life Church and Missions Singapore. As faith communities, we stand united with you in this battle against COVID-19 and your loss is our loss too.

As faith leaders, we stand together to guide our communities to worship safely and responsibly, ensuring that we take every necessary precaution such as safe distancing to protect our congregants, our families and the rest of society.

May God strengthen our resolve and grant us the wisdom to lead our communities to safety.

Dr Nazirudin Mohd Nasir


The two deceased were a 75-year-old Singaporean woman, 64-year-old Indonesian man.

Both patients had existing underlying conditions.

The Singaporean woman attended the Life Church and Missions Singapore.

Expressing great sadness at hearing the news of the passing of the two individuals, the 43-year-old Mufti, who was just appointed to the role in January 2020, noted in his ecumenical post: "I would also like to express our heartfelt condolences to leaders and members of The Life Church and Missions Singapore."

"As faith communities, we stand united with you in this battle against COVID-19 and your loss is our loss too."

Voiced out against Muslims attending religious gatherings

Nazirudin has been vocal during this Covid-19 outbreak season.

On March 19, he uploaded a Facebook post on the MUIS Facebook page urging all Muslims to be socially responsible.

He noted that some “foreign religious organisers” continued with their religious gatherings as they fear God more than viruses.

But Nazirudin added that this is not the time to be “senseless and irresponsible”.

He also cautioned the Singapore Muslim community to refrain from attending any mass religious gatherings.

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