SportSG: More than 500 job openings for sports workers affected by Covid-19

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Rexanne Yap | March 30, 2020, 11:42 PM

Due to Covid-19 safe distancing measures, many sports instructors and providers find themselves in the lurch as they had to responsibly limit or cancel their programmes.

So, to alleviate the impact on the livelihoods of the sporting fraternity, SportSG announced today that it will create more than 500 temporary jobs to support affected individuals.

Additionally, the national sports agency also availed 5,000 training vacancies, in subjects from digital marketing to sports science.

ActiveSG Circle

These job and upskilling opportunities are not arbitrary. Seeing the opportunity in crisis, SportSG noticed the shift in demand for more digital sports services as people are now using apps and videos to exercise at home or in parks.

To grow this emerging market, SportSG wants to create a digital ecosystem for sports entertainment, training courses, virtual and blended programming and events, a marketplace for services and products, and promotions.

Named the ActiveSG Circle, the digital sports content might be offered as a freemium service to the public, and could help sports businesses build economic resilience.

Thus, some of the job and training opportunities offered by SportSG are related to digital marketing for sports businesses.

In this push for digital, SportSG also hopes to leverage consumer data to innovate tailored training regimes, provide home-based consultancy services, and attract more people to live an active life.

Apart from traditionally sports-related jobs such as coaches and centre staff, more jobs for IT and social media professionals were seen on SportSG's career portal in the past few days.

"This is the time for Sporting Singapore to come together to re-imagine how we can transform our industry to encourage and engage all in Singapore to live a healthy and fit lifestyle – one that would serve us well in this time and beyond," said SportSG CEO Lim Teck Yin.

"It is an opportunity to upskill and invest in capabilities that will expand on the modalities for service delivery, and social networking and reinforcement for now and the future."

Top photo from myActiveSG/ Facebook