Woman smears blood on lift doors in Yishun, town council to take action if vandalism continues


Ashley Tan | February 05, 2020, 05:53 PM

A town council is taking a serious stance towards a case of vandalism in Yishun involving bodily fluids.

Smearing lift walls

A photo of a notice from Nee Soon Town Council (NSTC) was posted to Facebook page All Singapore Stuff recently.

The notice read that residents of the particular block in Yishun had been sending feedback about bloodstains on the panels of the lift doors.

Photos of the blood stains and the woman, with her face censored, were printed out in the notice.

The woman appears to be smearing something on the lift door, allegedly blood. It is uncertain if the blood is hers.

Photo from All Singapore Stuff / FB

NSTC's notice also contained a warning to the offender to "refrain from committing such acts", or they would "not hesitate to take further actions" should the vandalism continue.

Will carry out enforcement action if incident is repeated

NSTC has confirmed the incident with Mothership, and they stated that they have identified the woman from CCTV camera footage.

They expressed their hope that the woman would "cease this inconsiderate action", otherwise they would carry out enforcement action.

For those that deface common property, costs incurred to restore the area (including administrative costs) would be viewed as debt owed to the town council.

Due to public hygiene concerns, NSTC would also have to inform the Ministry of Health if the vandalism continues.

The town council added that aside from putting up advisory notices, such as the one pictured above, cleaners have also been cleaning the stains off and stepping up cleaning efforts.

This comes in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

The National Environment Agency (NEA) issued an advisory to all town councils on Jan. 29 to ramp up precautionary measures on hygiene and sanitation, The Straits Times reported.

Public areas in residential estates that were previously cleaned only once a day with soap and water are now being cleaned thrice a day with disinfectant.

These areas include those exposed to high-traffic, such as playgrounds, fitness areas, benches, railings and lift buttons.

Estate cleaners have also been told to don gloves and sanitise their hands after their cleaning work.

Top photo from All Singapore Stuff / FB