Virgin Active S'pore allegedly used equipment thermometer to take inaccurate temperatures of staff

The gym has also been accused of mocking staff and clients who are 'over-sensitive'.

Mandy How | February 15, 2020, 06:52 PM

On Feb. 7, the Ministry of Health (MOH) announced DORSCON Orange for the coronavirus situation in Singapore.

On the same day, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) released a workplace advisory, encouraging employers to implement temperature-taking among their staff twice a day.

And that was what Virgin Active, a gym in Singapore, did.

Low morale among staff

However, according to a tip-off that Mothership received from one of the gym's staff on Feb. 13, the management has been using an inappropriate thermometer, resulting in inaccurate results.

The following Instagram Story, sent by the staff, was allegedly posted by another employee on Feb. 12.

It implied that the infrared thermometer was used for the gym's temperature checks.

The screen displays a result of 32.9°C, a deviation from the normal human temperature of 36.5°C to 37.0°C.

This particular infrared thermometer is meant to be used on systems and equipment, as commonly listed on online stores.

Part of its product description reads: "Just point, shoot, and read the temperature of transformers, motors, pumps, panels, breakers, compressors, duct, steam lines, valves, and vents."

It can measure temperatures from -30°C to 650°C.

The staff who had provided the tip-off also sent a photo of the temperature sheet, where the inaccurate results of the employees' temperatures were supposedly recorded:

In addition to falsifying temperature results, the staff also accused the gym's management and HR (Human Resource) department of:

  • Taking the virus outbreak lightly, and mocking staff and clients for being "over-sensitive"
  • Responding to concerned employees that the measures "needed to be done" to protect their reputation
  • Using social media to placate clients, who have reportedly been demanding protective measures
  • Not cleaning the gym adequately, as it is allegedly still filled with dust and sweat stains

The staff added that the morale of the staff is "very low", as they are affected by the poor hygiene practices.

This includes the cleaners, receptionists, and personal trainers, who are reportedly afraid of expressing their concerns to the management.

Measures taken by Virgin Active

On Feb. 13, Virgin Active posted an update on the precautionary measures that they have taken in light of the virus outbreak.

Conducting checks into travel histories, providing hand sanitisers and masks, postponing all external events, temperature-taking for all employees, freelance instructors and guests, as well as increased cleaning of the gym floor and studio equipment are all part of the measures.

However, under a post dated Jan. 30, some members have commented with their feedback, some as recent as three to four days ago.

Virgin Active responds

In response to queries by Mothership, Virgin Active said that they have been working closely with MOH and their Global Health and Safety Team over the past week to protect their members, employees, guests, and contractors.

They added that they take the welfare and safety of the Virgin Active family "very seriously".

The gym did not directly respond to the allegations.

You can read their statement in full here:

“In light of the continuing and escalating coronavirus epidemic, we have over the past week been working closely with the Ministry of Health and our Global Health & Safety team to ensure we take the necessary actions to protect our members, employees, guests and contractors. We take the welfare and safety of our Virgin Active family very seriously, and our number one priority is to take the recommended measures to ensure the wellbeing of others, as we pull together to get through this difficult time”.

Top image by Mothership reader