Belgian ex-seaman, 65, returning to S'pore for past 5 years to seek long-lost friend from the 80s

He hopes that Maria Lee's children or grandchildren will see this.

Mandy How | February 03, 2020, 11:38 AM

A man from Belgium has been visiting Singapore for the past five years on a mission.

Karel Van Look is looking for a woman, Maria Lee, a friend he made in 1980.

This story was told to Mothership by a reader, Zaleha Dahlan, who met Van Look at a hostel she works at.

A radio ship operator

Back then, 25-year-old Van Look had been radio ship operator.

Photo by Ulflarsen/ Wikipedia

Lee was about 18 years old.

However, about a year later in 1981, Van Look was dismissed when his ship started using satellite radio, and his role became obsolete.

When he returned to Belgium, Van Look lost contact with Lee.

He was subsequently diagnosed with an unidentified illness.

Even then, Lee would come to his mind once in a while.

Now, at 65 years old and fully recovered, Van Look has been returning to Singapore for the past five years to look for Lee.

Each time, he would stay for a few weeks to a month.

Although Van Look had planned to return to Singapore earlier, he was hampered by his illness.

The Belgian man goes to one specific place, where he first met Lee: Sembawang Park.

Photo via NParks

Unfortunately, his efforts in locating her have not been successful.

Zaleha hopes that social media will assist Van Look in his endeavour, as Lee's children or grandchildren might come across this story.

While Van Look is unable to supply a photo of Lee, here are photos of himself, a few decades apart.

Photo via Zaleha Dahlan

If you have any relevant information, you may email [email protected].

Top image via NParks, Zaleha Dahlan