Scoot sent me 4 emails just to remind me that they're moving to T1. We have reached peak kiasu.

Kiasu level 100.

| Rachel Ng | Sponsored | November 11, 2019, 06:00 PM

In July, I happily booked my November holiday to Taipei - and my airline of choice? Scoot.

All was fine until August came, and I received this email notification that freaked me out.

Quite a scary notification. Dated Aug. 15, 2019. Photo from Rachel Ng.

Was my flight getting cancelled?!

I took a deep breath. “Please let it just be a rescheduled timing,” I told myself.

Turns out, it was just a notification that Scoot was going to be operating from Changi Airport Terminal 1 from end October. Chey.

The actual email I was sent. Sometimes email subjects really can scare the sh*t out of you. Photo from Rachel Ng.

Smart-traveller-me took a mental note, registered it in my brain, and moved on with my life.

A month later, I received the same email again and panicked because I thought my flight really got cancelled this time.

Dated Sept. 6, 2019. Photo from Rachel Ng.

But no, it was the same email telling me about Scoot’s move to Terminal 1.

Okay Scoot, I get it, you’re moving to Terminal 1 on Oct. 22, 2019. No need to send two emails about it.

Dated Oct. 9, 2019. Photo from Rachel Ng.

Dated Oct. 18, 2019. Photo from Rachel Ng.

BUT NO. They just had to send me two more identical emails in October. Kiasu-ness at its finest - I get the message, Scoot.

Now I’ll never forget that you’re at Terminal 1.

Must tell everyone. Very important. Photo from Scoot.

Since I’ve read the same email 4 times, here are the main details of the move:

All Scoot flights are now departing and arriving at Terminal 1, and check-in counters will be at rows 5 to 7.

There will also be more self-service check-in kiosk and automated bag-drop facilities available.

Scoot's new home at T1 is also directly linked to Jewel. For the shopaholics - you can also do an early check-in at Jewel, up to 18 hours before your flight, if you are travelling on Scoot.

To make sure customers are aware of the move, they have updated on-board announcements since Oct. 1, 2019, and posted this information (multiple times) on their social media channels. They even have a pop-up notification on their mobile app.

On the day of the move, they also deployed additional staff at both Terminals 1 and 2, just to make sure, you know, people don't go to the wrong terminal.

Peak kiasu.

On the first day of the move into T1. According to Scoot, many of the staff on the ground were actually full-time staff working in the office, and they were activated to help out passengers that day. Photo from Scoot.

Here is some pictorial evidence of Scoot being very kiasu, and worried that people will go to the wrong terminal and miss their flight:

Photo from Scoot.

Photo from Scoot.

Photo from Scoot.

To be honest, I’d rather receive multiple email notifications about the move than to have none at all.

Photo from Rachel Ng.

Now the fact that Scoot is at Terminal 1 will forever be embedded in the depths of my brain.

This sponsored article is brought to you by Scoot, so this writer can get her salary and go on holiday.