Sisaket is a Northeastern province in Thailand, and the capital of Sisaket is Sisaket (the town).
Sisaket doesn't really have a Pattaya or even Bangkok-level nightlife. But one of the hottest nightclubs, even in limited supply, is Rong Lao Tam Mue (โรงเหล้า ทำมือ ศรีสะเกษ).
It speaks to the burgeoning nightlife scene that one of the biggest clubs has just celebrated their one year anniversary.
And they went all in on the shindig.
Here are some pictures from the night.
Image from โรงเหล้า ทำมือ ศรีสะเกษ Facebook
But while the post had its fair share of likes, one picture was by far and away the most viral of them all.
Freaking cool.
Comments ranged from those expressing their admiration at someone of her age still apparently having a great time, to others wondering whether she was properly carded at the entrance.
The evergreen lady's serene expression, mixed with a cocksure attitude that can only come from age and alcohol, both which appears she has in abundance.
It is perhaps that cockiness that has won the Internet over. As of this article, the photo itself has been shared over 46,000 times.
Image from Facebook
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