Not long after Singaporeans found out about the infamous SG Nasi Lemak Telegram group, a new Telegram group has now come under the spotlight for sharing lewd images of women.
This Telegram group, which goes by the innocuous name SharingIsCaring, has more than 100 members.
It was brought to our attention by a Mothership reader.
According to this reader, the group shares porn and photos of local women that are snapped in public, like on trains and buses.
This group is headed by a Telegram user who is known as Wander Lust, or Lust Wander. To date, the group has shared over 4,500 photos, and over 700 videos.
The members share porn and talk about role-play rape. One even said he prefers girls 14 years old and above.
Here's a sample of the images that are shared in the group, which were submitted to AsiaOne through an anonymous reader:
Members also share tips on being a "sniper" (a term given to those who snap photos of women in public).
One tip offered by a member is to pretend to concentrate on a text message. Another member suggests turning the screen brightness to 10 per cent.
Snipers are also invited to a VVIP group which shares, what we can imagine, more debauched material.
According to our reader, he was pulled into the group by chance. After he realised what it was, he gathered evidence and left the group.
"By putting them in the spotlight, they will get the attention and probably have their group closed. They may rebuild but at least it puts a halt to their community," he wrote.
Police looking into matter
In response to Mothership's queries, a Singapore Police Force spokesperson said that they are aware of the group chat and are looking into the matter.
"The Police would like to advise members of the public that the circulation of obscene materials is an offence under Section 292 of the Penal Code. Anyone who transmits by electronic means any obscene materials may be liable to a jail term of up to 3 months, or fine, or both," added the spokesperson.
SPF advises members of the public not to join any online platform that circulates obscene materials and illicit chat groups.
If anyone has information to share, they can call the Police Hotline at 1800-255-0000 or submit information online via
All information will be kept strictly confidential.
Top images via AsiaOne, Mothership reader
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