A teenage Afghan girl spotted on the streets of Japan has wowed the Internet with her flawless command of spoken Japanese.
"Not fashionable"
Twitter user @azrayem shared a TikTok video by user Yasubusiness, which showed a short interview with a central Asian-Caucasian-looking girl.
Although her fair complexion and facial features made her stand out in Japan, her spoken Japanese was exactly the same as any native Japanese person.
The interviewer asked if she is a model, and she said she's not.
She also demurred politely when he commented that she is "very fashionable".
Born and raised in Japan
After he remarked that her "Japanese was very good", the young woman who was interviewed revealed that she was born and raised in Japan, but her parents are from Afghanistan.
Sounding like a typical Japanese teenager, she said she loves shopping at H&M.
However, even though she studied English in school, she doesn't speak the language.
She ended the interview with a polite bow.
The tweet gained over 8,500 likes before it was taken down, but you can see the video below:
Top image from @azrayem's Twitter page.
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