Monkey rudely interrupts M'sian students filming science project to steal keropok

They still managed to complete their science project, though.

Julia Yeo | October 23, 2019, 04:15 PM

Learning has gone digital in this day and age.

And sometimes, so has nature.

Rogue monkey interrupts girls filming project

Three students in Malaysia were filming a video for their science project when their attempt was foiled by a monkey -- identified as a macaque -- gatecrashing their film set.

The macaque may have been attracted by their snacks, as one of the girls in the video shouted, "Ambik keropok", which translated to "Save the snacks".

Gif of girls running away from monkey Gif via @theera_29

However, the primate proved too ferocious for the girls, as they scattered at the sight of the macaque invading their table.

Monkey eats the snacks on the table after girls run away Gif via @theera_29

Once the girls were far away from the area, the macaque enjoyed its spoils of victory -- in front of the camera.

However, the girl could still be heard desperately shouting to save the keropok, even after running away.

Internet amused by keropok girl

Since the video was tweeted on Oct. 11, it has amassed over 11 million views on Twitter.

Most Internet users were more amused that one of the girls was more concerned about the snacks that was getting devoured by the monkey, instead of her phone.

Other Malaysians shared their own slightly harrowing but amusing experiences with wild animals in the replies:

Still managed to finish filming science project

Despite the hiccup, the three girls still managed to pull off their science video, which was about making a six-sided crystal snowflake.

Good job, girls.

Top image via @theera_29/Twitter