M'sian dietician warns of high sodium intake from eating Himalaya Salt candy

The last thing Singaporeans need is more salt.

Zhangxin Zheng | Syahindah Ishak | October 26, 2019, 01:50 AM

Himalaya Salt candy is a type of sports candy that has been gaining popularity among Singaporeans.

And if you are one of them salt-loving Singaporeans, here's something to take note of.

High sodium level in Himalaya salt candy

One Malaysian dietician, Mohd Khairul Azuan, wrote a lengthy Facebook post in Malay on Oct. 22 to explain why the Himalaya Salt candy can pose health risks, and more so than other sweets.

He wrote that Himalaya Salt candy contains a higher sodium level.

Khairul also said a lot of tests have estimated that a reduction of a gram of salt can reduce the average blood pressure by 2mmHg, which can reduce the risk of stroke by 10 percent and heart disease by 5 percent.

The daily intake of sodium should be no more than 2,000mg and we are consuming sufficient sodium in our diet.

He wrote:

Let me give you an example of why we no longer need extra sodium from this type of candy:

- We already take in 12% of sodium in natural foods.

- Sodium that’s added during cooking is about 5%.

- Sodium added during when eating is approximately 4%.

- About 77% of sodium is derived from processed foods.

That’s enough sodium in our daily food intake. We don’t need more from this candy.

A myth that it is good for health

Khairul advised those with high blood pressure, heart problems or kidney problems not to consume candy with added salt inside.

Pregnant women should also avoid eating it because it may lead to pregnancy-induced hypertension.

He added that the sweet is only suitable for those who are prone to sweating, on a long hike or have a low sodium level in their blood.

Khairul also said that while many people eat the Himalaya Salt candy to soothe their throat, it is nothing like lozenges.

Instead, he claims that consuming the Himalaya Salt candy too often can lead to an increased intake in salt, where higher sodium levels can cause high blood pressure, heart disease, persistent headache, and kidney problems unknowingly.

Here's his full post:

Top photo collage from Mohd Khairul Azuan/Facebook and Shopee