S'porean serial stalker jailed again for hounding new victim over WhatsApp & at her workplace

He sent her 278 WhatsApp messages, while she only replied 20 times.

Andrew Koay | September 13, 2019, 06:30 PM

There are people who don't know how to take a hint, and there's this guy.

Colin Mak Yew Loong had already been jailed and fined in 2013 for harassing an American singer and three other women.

Yet on September 12, Mak was sentenced to two months' jail after pleading guilty to unlawfully stalking another woman, reported Today.

The 31-year-old Kazakhstani woman — who cannot be named due to a court-ordered gag protecting her identity — had met 44-year-old Mak at the Asia Clean Energy Summit held at Marina Bay Sands in November 2018.

Their meeting sparked a barrage of text messages from Mak which include:

  • 173 Whatsapp messages within the week after they met. The woman only replied with 20 messages
  • 62 emails between November 2018 and July 2019
  • A message on November 7 asking for the woman's shoe size
  • Another 105 harassing messages in the next month that prompted the woman to block him on WhatsApp

Visiting the woman's office

If that wasn't enough, Mak started taking his actions offline.

According to Today, he began visiting the woman's workplace in February 2019, attempting to give her gifts.

The New Paper reported that Mak had gained access to the woman's office by asking someone who had an access pass to open the door for him.

Once inside, he presented a soft toy to her which she rejected. He then left after she told him that she did not want to see him.

On July 1, Mak returned to the woman's office with another gift. She once again rejected him, sending him an email the next day that said she had never indicated interest in him and did not want a relationship with him.

She also mentioned that his behaviour was making her uncomfortable.

However, Mak was back at it again on July 24, entering the office when the door was open for an event.

The woman had once again told him to leave, TNP revealed.

He tried his luck again two days later. This time the woman was not in the office.

She made a police report an hour later and Mak was arrested on August 3.

Asking for leniency

In court, Mak — who was unrepresented — asked District Judge Luke Tan for leniency, saying that he wanted to take full responsibility for his actions, reported TNP.

He added that he had not threatened the woman and that his e-mails to the woman were about politics and business collaborations.

According to TNP, the judge said that Mak's actions have distressed the woman, warning him not to get into trouble again.

He also said that Mak should expect a much harsher punishment should he be charged for this offence again.

Previous offences

TNP reported that Mak had previously been sentenced to three years jail and a fine in 2013 for harassing four women.

According to The Straits Times, his victims included:

  • American singer Leandra Ramm, then 29
  • Hungarian musician Krasznai Tuende Ilona, then 30
  • Ukranian musician Veronika Sakhno, then 28
  • Businesswoman Liew Hwei Ken, then 46

He had harrassed Ramm for six years after seeing her 2005 appearance on Anderson Cooper's 360 programme on CNN, sending her more than 5,000 threatening e-mail messages and voice messages after she stopped responding to his offers to further her music career.

ST reported that Mak developed a fixation Ilona after seeing her perform in Singapore in 2012.

He would write to her after she left Singapore in late-2012, but things turned sour when he discovered she had a German boyfriend. He then started sending Ilona threatening messages.

Sakno, who Mak had also seen perform, was harassed after she politely turned down his advances. According to ST, he called her names at a cafe in the Esplanade on June 26 2013.

Liew was on the receiving end of threatening emails from Mak when he believed she had gone behind his back to engage another photographer, instead of hiring Mak to photograph a model.

Top image from Luis Villasmil via Unsplash