Queues form to buy Pusheen EZ-Link cards & Hello Kitty EZ-charms from Bugis Junction vending machine

Forget to bring EZ-Link card? Just buy lor.

Melanie Lim | September 03, 2019, 01:57 PM

Singaporeans cannot wait to get their hands on cartoon-themed EZ-Charms and EZ-Link cards.





So much so that they are often sold out almost immediately on the EZ-Link online store.

Here's an alternative way for you to grab hold of these EZ-Link cards or charms.

EZ-Link vending machines

EZ-Link has launched a few EZ-Link vending machines in Singapore.

One was spotted at the EZ-Link office in Alexandra Technopark.



There is another one located at level one of Bugis Junction, next to bubble tea store Sharetea.

Image via Teo Meng Khai on Facebook

Hello Kitty EZ-Charms & Pusheen EZ-Link cards

Some of the merchandise at the vending machine includes the now sold-out Hello Kitty EZ-Charms and newly launched Pusheen EZ-Link cards.

The Pusheen EZ-Link cards come in two designs and retail for S$10 each, with no stored value.

Image via EZ-Link on Facebook

Here are some real life photographs of these products:

Image via John Goh on Facebook

Image via Cassandra Goh on Facebook


Queues have formed at the vending machine since Aug. 2, 2019:

Image via Meiting Tan on Facebook

Image via John Goh on Facebook

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Top image via Teo Meng Khai on Facebook and pusheen_travels on Instagram