Hong Kong students troll by adorning Sun Yat-sen's statues with helmets & masks

Sun was a widely revered revolutionary instrumental in overthrowing the Qing dynasty.

Kayla Wong | September 02, 2019, 02:23 PM

Students of a school in Hong Kong had adorned a statue of revered Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen with protest gear that are synonymous with frontline protesters.

Protest gear on statue of Sun Yat-sen

At about 10:40am on Monday, Sept. 2, students of Queen's College put a helmet, goggles and a mask on a statue of Sun located within the school compound.


The modern gear was in stark contrast with the Qing dynasty era-Tang suit that the Sun statue was depicted to be wearing.

However, they were apparently swiftly removed within 10 minutes, according to a tweet posted on 10:54am.

Sun was once a student at Queen's College in 1884 when it was still called The Government Central School -- it was later renamed Victoria College

Sun's statue in HKU

Another statue of Sun found in the University of Hong Kong (HKU) also received the same treatment.

In addition, protesters, or trolls, placed a foam kickboard with the words "Reclaim Hong Kong" on it, making it seem as if the statue was holding it in one hand, and his walking stick in another.

There is a connection between the university and Sun.

Back in 1887 to 1892, Sun studied at the Hong Kong College of Medicine, which was later absorbed by HKU when it was founded in 1911.

Revered revolutionary

Sun is a figure that was widely revered in both mainland China, and Taiwan.

The leader of the republican revolution on mainland China, Sun was largely instrumental in the overthrowing of the Qing Dynasty.

Sun was also considered the founding father of the Republic of China (ROC).

He was the first president of the ROC, and also the first leader of Kuomintang, the Nationalist Party.

A statue of Sun at the National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei. (Image via Wikipedia)

Protest highlights in the 13th week thus far:

Top image adapted via Telegram