Hong Kong policeman tries to jump over MTR gantry like cool guy, falls over comically

A bit of mirth in the midst of anger.

Nyi Nyi Thet | September 01, 2019, 12:06 PM

This weekend has been something else for Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong police had denied permission for a march marking the fifth anniversary of China's decision against fully democratic elections in Hong Kong.

That did not stop the protestors at all.

The protests, entering its 13th straight weekend, saw police firing two live rounds in the air as they were being surrounded by protestors, molotov cocktails being used on the ground, tear gas, blue dye and water cannons.


class='fb-post' data-href='https://www.facebook.com/XinhuaHK/posts/2405205376467768?__tn__=H-R'>

The weekend also saw police entering MTR Stations to arrest protestors.

Despite all this chaos going down over the weekend, a short video purportedly taken during the aforementioned MTR incidents circulated around the web.

It shows several police officers attempting to make their way into the MTR station.

Keep an eye on what exactly made this so viral.

Here's a gif of it.

And here he is cooly zooming away.

A pratfall in the heart of chaos.

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