First-aid volunteer begs Hong Kong police to let him help injured protesters, police refuse

He broke down in tears after his pleas fell on deaf ears.

Julia Yeo | September 02, 2019, 10:23 PM

In the midst of some fiery chaos and protesters-police tit-for-tat from the 13th weekend of protests in Hong Kong, an emotional moment was captured on video.

A clip of a first-aid volunteer pleading with the police to let him through a blockaded MTR station to tend to injured protesters went viral on social media.

Here is a subtitled version of the clip:

Volunteer broke down in tears

Despite several attempts at pleading with the police to let him in, the officers in the blockaded train station appeared to remain unmoved.

Protesters and regular citizens standing outside the station appeared to sympathise with the first-aid volunteer, with some even shouting:

You're beating them to death!

You've gone mad! You're killing people in there!

The volunteer continued begging with the officers, saying that "they could beat him to death", as long as they let him save the injured protesters' lives.

He was then held back by another man dressed similarly as a first-aid volunteer, who was also on the brink of tears.

As he broke down emotionally, he shouted that he was "just trying to help" the injured people, and also added:

We don't hit the police, and we don't hit anyone.

Violent clashes in the weekend MTR protests

The protests that broke out in multiple train stations resulted in massive chaos and vandalism.

Screenshot of injured commuter. Photo via Apple Daily, @fight4hongkong/Twitter

Screenshot of injured commuter. Photo via Apple Daily, @fight4hongkong/Twitter

Riot police resorted to violent tactics to curb the protests happening in train stations, and both commuters and protesters were injured in the process.

Online reactions

Commenters online appeared divided over the clip, as most sympathised with the volunteer, while some were sceptical about the authenticity of the captured moment.

Many sympathisers showed their frustration towards the police:

Screenshot via Twitter

Screenshot via Twitter

On the other hand, sceptics were apathetic towards the volunteer.

Screenshot via Twitter

Screenshot via Twitter

Screenshot via Twitter

I support the HK police catching these terrorists, they need to take responsibility for what they've done.

First-aid volunteers meant to be neutral

While volunteers may have their personal beliefs, as first-aid personnel, they are meant to remain neutral and provide aid to anybody needing help.

During the protests held at Hong Kong airport, volunteers also tended to a Global Times reporter from China, who was injured in the midst of the heated demonstration.

Read more about the Hong Kong Protests:

Cover image via @fight4HongKong/Twitter