Here is the real Naval Diving Unit Hell Week video from 2001

17th batch of combat naval divers.

Belmont Lay| March 01, 03:38 PM

So, you've watched Ah Boys To Men 3: Frogmen?

You thought it was okay but you didn't like how sanitised the scenes were? Not enough grit, not enough training footage, and overall, not enough of the Hell that divers are known to suffer?

Well, wish fulfilled. Here is an old-school video from 2001 showing the real Hell Week that Naval Divers undergo at the Naval Diving Unit in Sembawang:


The footage is 14 years old but the grit and weariness on the face of the soldiers as a result of the accumulation of five continuous days of physical exhaustion is still a sight to behold.

This body-breaking training regime was something which was written about extensively by The Straits Times last year in a rare exposé, but nothing quite captures it like an in-house video made by the NDU divers themselves.

A bit of background though: Videos like this one by the 17th batch of divers are what all graduating naval divers get as souvenirs after they go through their batch's own mandatory Hell Week. Production value is low because, well, you know, it's the SAF, but you get to show it to your friends and family to tell them how shitty your life was and this was something you never voluntarily signed up for.



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