4 ways things could turn around for NCPG

How to turn a #fail into a #win?

He Ruiming| July 13, 05:00 AM


As you might have heard, National Council on Problem Gambling's (NCPG) ad has been making rounds on the Internet. Some would say it’s almost a global sensation. That is, of course, if everyone wasn't busy lampooning it. To be fair, they were also very unlucky.

But whenever there is a crisis, an opportunity is not far behind. The way we see it, it's not too late for NCPG to turn things around. Think about it. Some organisations pay millions for this sort of publicity. To put things into perspective, NCPG got the world’s attention for a relatively low cost.

Your move, NCPG.


1. Pray and hope that Germany loses to Argentina

This is the best case scenario for NCPG, one might argue. If Argentina stops the Germans in their tracks, that would make for one hell of an anti-gambling campaign. (Very prophetic too, almost like Paul the Octopus and world-cup predicting hamsters.)

However, the odds are stacked against the Argentinians, according to Baidu. This is also a reactive way of dealing with the media and leaves things up to chance. Let's check out alternatives that could work in their favour.


2. Admit the ad's hilarity and release a witty statment

Take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to show that there are hardworking people working behind every anti-gambling campaign. Real people with a sense of humour, not people who specialise in pushing pencils.

Release this statement:

"We are pleased that our ad has received so much attention both locally and globally. NCPG remains committed against the issue of problem gambling. Admittedly, we could have picked a football team that would have sent our message across more effectively.

On hindsight, England was always the safer bet."

Also consider:

“We are pleased that our ad has received so much attention both locally and globally. NCPG remains committed against the issue of problem gambling. You could say that we gambled on Germany to lose the World Cup, but it didn’t pay off.

I guess it just goes to show you can’t win every single time.”


3. Quickly film a sequel of sorts that has some sort of a plot twist

The possibilities are endlesss.


4. Keep quiet and hope it blows over.

Apologise. "Let's move on." Classic Singapore.


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