Driver of badly parked Honda in Bedok issued turtle colouring sheet to practise 'staying within lines'

The shame.

Daniel Seow | December 08, 2023, 11:18 AM



If you drive, you would have likely experienced the frustration of having inconsiderate drivers take up multiple lots in a car park.

And while there might be more unfriendly ways to show one's displeasure for those drivers, one passive-aggressive method has been circulating around the Internet for ages.

One driver of a badly-parked Honda Shuttle was given the eternal shame of the turtle colouring sheet.

The latest parking "offender"

This was shared in a Dec. 7 post in the "SG Road Vigilante" Facebook group.

The offending vehicle was identified as a Honda Shuttle.

The post claimed it was recently parked at the Eastech business centre in Bedok North.

But, based on observation, not very well.

Without having to look too closely, the right-hand side wheels of the car are well over the line separating the two lots.

Image from SG Road Vigilante on Facebook.

It might as well have parked sideways, because it would be nearly impossible to fit another vehicle in what's left of the adjacent lot.

To remind the driver to improve their parking, someone stuck a printed sheet under the car's windscreen wipers.

Image from SG Road Vigilante on Facebook.

The paper showed a cutesy design of a turtle, but the tone is anything but.

Image from SG Road Vigilante on Facebook.

"Many three year olds have trouble staying within the lines," the paper reads like a thinly veiled insult.

"Maybe if you practice colouring this turtle, it will help with your parking."

Turtle strikes again

Eagled-eyed users would notice that this was not the first time the turtle note has been used as a parking reminder in Singapore.

Here's one of its earlier appearances, in 2018:

And in July, an Audi driver was also left the turtle note on their windscreen as a souvenir.

It was accompanied with a ruder printed note in bold that read, ""I hope you don't f*ck like you park! You'll never get it in!"

A brief search on the Internet also turned up different versions of the turtle colouring sheet on Pinterest alone, with some available as a free printable.

Spread the love, I guess.

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Top image from SG Road Vigilante on Facebook.