Maliki Osman witnesses handover of S'porean public's donations to UN humanitarian agency in Egypt

He oversaw the handing over of S$2 million of donations.

Tan Min-Wei | November 11, 2023, 09:00 PM

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Minister in the Prime Minister's Office and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs Mohamad Maliki Osman has witnessed the handover of public donations by Singaporeans for humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza while on an official visit to Egypt.

Donation handover

On Nov. 10, Maliki witnessed the handover of public donations, including S$2 million raised by the Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation (RLAF), in response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza due to the Israel-Hamas War.

The donations were handed over to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

Maliki also announced a second tranche of US$100,000 (S$136,090) worth of humanitarian goods from the Singapore Red Cross (SRC) to the Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC).

This tranche of humanitarian goods from the SRC includes medical supplies, food provisions, drinking water, and hygiene kits, which the civilian population in Gaza needs.

It follows the first tranche of US$200,000 (S$270,180) supporting the ERC relief pipeline.

Maliki said:

"I am honoured to have witnessed the handover of humanitarian assistance from RLAF and the Singapore Red Cross to UNRWA and the Egyptian Red Crescent.

The deepening humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a tragedy and there is an urgent need for humanitarian assistance to be extended to the civilians in Gaza.

I am proud that Singaporeans have stepped up generously to support these needs."

Maliki also received individual briefings from the ERC and UNRWA on the current situation at the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, as well as the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Maliki met with his counterpart, Egyptian Deputy Foreign Minister Hamdi Loza.

They discussed developments in Gaza and shared similar views that all parties needed to abide by international humanitarian law and allow for the urgent delivery of humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.

Maliki expressed Singapore's appreciation for Egypt's pivotal role in leading peace talks and facilitating international humanitarian assistance to Gaza.

Maliki also met with Minister of Social Solidarity Nivine El-Kabbag on the humanitarian situation in Gaza, and offered Singapore's assistance to work with her ministry and other stakeholders to help the Palestinians.

Donations and seed capital

The donations are part of ongoing efforts to fundraise for humanitarian aid in Singapore for Gaza.

Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan said in his parliamentary speech on Nov. 6 that Singapore had raised about S$5 million through fundraising drives by both the SRC and the RLAF.

The Singapore government also provided S$300,000 in seed funding to the SRC.

Algeria and Egypt

Maliki has been in North Africa since Nov. 6, leaving after speaking at the parliamentary debate on the Israel-Hamas war.

Maliki was initially in Algeria — he arrived in time to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Singaporean-Algerian bilateral relations and meet with several Algerian ministers.

In his capacity as Second Minister for Education, he also met with several of Algeria's Ministers, discussing ways to exchange expertise in vocational training and promote cooperation in skills retraining for students.

While in Egypt, Maliki also met Minister for Education and Technical Education, Reda Hegazy, who spoke positively of Singapore's education system.

Malikie proposed exchanges in teacher training and curriculum development and encouraged Hegazy to visit and see what Singapore could offer in terms of working together to improve Singapore and Egypt's respective education systems.

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Top image via Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore