Singapore's most infamous reckless car is back in action

The legend of SFY1668P lives on.

Jonathan Lim| February 06, 11:09 AM had written an article before on car license plate SFY1668P in 2013. With the rise of in-car cameras, reckless drivers have had their bad driving uploaded on the Internet for all to shame.

One particular car, SFY1668P, has the dubious honour of being filmed multiple times with its dangerous antics. Most of the videos were uploaded in 2013.

It seemed that 2014 was a quiet year for SFY1668P. Perhaps the driver has caught wind of his infamy online.

Maybe he misses the spotlight because he was caught in action again and a new video of SFY1668P has surfaced online.

Previously SFY1668P was tagged onto a Subaru, and it is likely 2014 was a good year for the owner because SFY1668P has been upgraded into a Mercedes.

Check out how the car dangerously sped up and overtook another car from the road shoulder:

" width="700" height="394" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">


Not sure what SFY1668P did previously? No worries, we have some gifs for you:

wreckless-driver-01wreckless-driver-02 wreckless-driver-03 wreckless-driver-04 wreckless-driver-05 wreckless-driver-06

His actions have earned him the title of Sengkang Hell Driver within the Singapore Reckless Drivers community.

Online rumours are circulating of where he lives:

sengkang hell driver

A few questions remain:

1) Who is he?

2) Why is he driving so dangerously all the time?

3) Is the person catching him on film actually a car troll tailing him all the time and goading him to drive dangerously?

4) How is the Traffic Police going to respond to this new video evidence? Have they acted on him previously?



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