Simi Sai Also SG50 blog will show you why the SG50 messaging is overkill

Can don't SG50 for the sake of SG50? Cannot.

Belmont Lay| February 14, 03:59 AM

Have you been seeing the SG50 logo being bandied around even more as of late? Have you noticed how the SG50 logo has been slapped onto almost anything that remotely represents Singapore or Singaporeans?

But have you also been seeing how everything else that don't even speak to our Singaporean identity somehow also jumping on the bandwagon of the SG50 movement?

I'm talking about stuff like stationery, diapers and signing up for printing equipment -- things that are somehow so vaguely unrelated to Singaporean-ness, you'd need to stretch your imagination just to even make any connection, and in the process, bend the already nebulous but established brand rules that govern the SG50 logo's use, just for the sake of seeing the SG50 logo being used?

To see what I mean for yourself, click on the photo below to go to blog, SIMI SAI ALSO SG50:


For the benefit of those who do not get colloquial speak, "Simi Sai Also SG50", when loosely translated, means "Any Shit Also Can Be Part Of This SG50 Movement".

The blog's existence is explained in the succinct About page:

I love my country. I love the fact Singapore is a country for ALMOST 50 years already. And I will love to celebrate this. And hence I initially loved the idea of “SG50″?


But recently, there’s too much, really too much, events/brands/initiatives jumping onto the SG50 wagon. Some are interesting, some only make me scratch my head.

Hence, after a friend has been posting some stuff online about this trend, I decided to jump onto the wagon myself and setting this up.

There are great stuff out there worthy of praise, then there are stuff that make you go “Really? Seriously?” So! Is a particular thing worthy or not worthy, or rather NOT SAI or SAI, of having the SG50 label?

But the blog is also quick to emphasise that they have no affliation to, nor are funded by, the SG50 committee.

Far from being an exercise in snarkiness or being a wet blanket as Singapore nears its jubilee year come Aug. 9, 2015, the examples in the Simi Sai Also SG50 blog chronicles how the movement will stop making sense once it overreaches itself.

Once that transition from unique to ubiquitous is made, what's the point of slapping the SG50 logo onto anything to point out its Singaporean-ness or special-ness when practically everything can be part of the SG50 movement in the first place as the barriers to entry are so low?

Submit your own entries to the blog at [email protected]


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