Born and bred S'porean tells locals how not to be racist & xenophobic after being discriminated against online

He calls them out with wit and humour.

Belmont Lay| December 22, 05:04 PM

Long story short: Singapore's possibly only funny man, Haresh Tilani, decided to do something spontaneous and sporting one fine day and turned it into a video.

However, in typical Singaporean fashion, he got haters hating on him online, questioning his nationality and making comments about his race.

And what irked him the most was that what was supposed to be fun and entertaining got mired in name-calling and second-guessing his identity that had nothing to do with the video he made in the first place.

So, instead of blaming the government, foreigners or his ancestry like what his haters would normally do, he crafted this classic response to shut his critics up:

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This was the video that drew out the haters:

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And check out what he had to say on his Facebook:


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